Reporters invited to attend

September 21, 2012 — The Salt Lake City Police Department will conclude its latest Citizens Academy with a day of demonstrations and hands-on activities for participants.

The three-hour open house will partner citizen “cadets” with officers to check traffic speeds with LIDAR tools and fire a variety of duty weapons in the Pioneer Precinct range. They’ll also meet with members of the Police Department’s elite K9 and SWAT squads to gain a better understanding of police work.

Reporters are invited to cover this event.

Citizens Academy graduates go hands-on with LIDAR, firing range, K-9 and SWAT demos.

Saturday, September 22, 2012
8 a.m. – noon

Pioneer Precinct
1040 W. 700 S.
Salt Lake City, UT 84104

Contact: Reporters seeking comment should contact the Public Information Officer at 801.799.NEWS (6397). Click here to register to receive news updates by email.



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